5 List of Commands Applicable to Any Kind of Container

Below is a list of commands that can be used to work with any kind of container.

5.1 Start the container Establishing a connection with docker and running the container:

sudo docker exec -ti nodeosd /bin/bash

5.2 Getting the log file Getting the text of the log file about the container:

sudo docker logs --tail 10 -f nodeosd

5.3 Connection via cleos to the node Connection via cleos to the node to verify its successful operation (to execute this instruction, the wallet must be configured):

sudo docker exec -ti nodeosd \

5.4 Launching the containers Container launch command (the command is executed from the directory where the docker-compose.yml file is located):

sudo docker start nodeosd mongo

5.5 Stop the containers Container stop command (the command is executed from the directory where the docker-compose.yml file is located):

sudo docker stop nodeosd mongo

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