How To Bay Vesting Using Explorer
Transfer tokens GOLOS to Golos Power using Cyberway Explorer.
The operation can be performed through the contract cyber.token
Step 1
Go to the page<@account name>/wallet
and review your token GOLOS and Golos Power balances.
The field Golos displays number of tokens that you can spend to purchase Golos Power.
Step 2
Go to the page
. In menu that opens, select action transfer
and fill in the fields.
- the identifier of your
- the account of recipient. This is golos.vesting.quantity
- the number of tokens, taking into account the required accuracy. For GOLOS tokens, you must specify three numbers after the point.Memo
- the identifier of your account if you buy tokens for yourself.authorization
- the same identifier of your account.
Step 3
Click Build transaction
Step 4
Check transaction. Make sure the transaction contains correct information.
Step 5
Subscribe with your private key and click Sign transation
to send it on blockchain.
Step 6
Open the page<@account name>/wallet
and check the field Golos Power value. It should be increased by the purchase amount in accordance with current exchange rate.
Last updated