Purpose of the cyber.bios smart contract

The cyber.bios smart contract is used as a link between operations, executed both directly in smart contracts and the node core.

The actions supported:


The newaccount action is used when creating new accounts in the system.

void bios::newaccount(
    name creator,
    name name,
    authority owner,
    authority active


  • creator — new account creator.

  • name — the account name that is created in the system.

  • owner — structure of type authority containing owner public key for the new account.

  • active — structure of type authority containing active public key for the new account.


  • The name created (not redeemed at auction) must contain no more than 12 characters. Also, it must not contain the dot symbol.

  • The name purchased at auction or created through the system account can be expanded by adding characters to the right after the dot symbol (for example, an owner of the name cyber can expanded it to the name cyber.anyname).

A transaction containing newaccount action must be signed by the new account creator.


The action setprods is used when creating a block production schedule. This schedule contains a list of validators in accordance with their rating. This action is not accessible to a user and is called by the system. This action takes the following form:

[[eosio::action]] void setprods(eosio::producer_key schedule )

The schedule parameter is a list of validator keys.

The cyber account signature is required to execute a transaction containing the setprods action (cyber is account of cyber.bios smart contract).


The setparams action is used to configure system parameters. This action is not accessible to a user and is called by the system. This action takes the following form:

[[eosio::action]] void setparams( eosio::blockchain_parameters params )

The params parameter is a structure containing settable system parameters.

The cyber account signature is required to execute a transaction containing the setparams action.


The reqauth action is used to verify the user's signature in a transaction. This action takes the following form:

[[eosio::action]] void reqauth( name from )

The from parameter is the account whose signature is verified.

The from account signature is required to execute a transaction containing the reqauth operation.


The setabi action is used to upload ABI-description to an account. This action takes the following form:

[[eosio::action]] void setabi( 
    name account,
    std::vector<char> abi


  • account — the account to which ABI-description will be downloaded.

  • abi — an array of bytes containing ABI-description.


The setcode action is used to upload smart contract code to an account. The signature of this action is:

[[eosio::action]] void setcode( 
    name account,
    uint8_t vmtype,
    uint8_t vmversion,
    std::vector<char> code


  • account — the account to which smart contract code will be downloaded.

  • vmtype — type of contract (type of virtual machine). In this release, the parameter is set to «0».

  • vmversion — version of contract (version of virtual machine). In this release, the parameter is set to «0».

  • code — an array of bytes containing smart contract code.


The onblock action is inaccessible to a user and is called by the system each time after creation of a new block. Inside onblock, the cyber.govern smart contract code is called. This action takes the following form:

void bios::onblock(block_header header)

The header parameter is a block header.


Action checkwin is used to register a name owner (a winner) at auction. This action has no parameters and is called implicitly.

void bios::checkwin()


The bidname action allows a user to bid on a specific name at the names auction. This action takes the following form:

void bios::bidname( 
    name bidder,
    name newname,
    eosio::asset bid


  • bidder — an account which bids at the action.

  • newname — betting name (a name on which the bid is done).

  • bid — a bet on the name (a structure value specified the bid). Bets are accepted only in system tokens (CYBER).

The bidder account will be announced as an owner (a winner) of newname, if:

  • the bid is the highest in the name newname;

  • the bid remains the highest after 24 hours.

    In this case, the bid is not returned to the bidder. If the bid is beaten within 24 hours, it will be returned back to the bidder (in this release, the bid is not automatically refunded; a call of bidrefund is required to refund it).


The bidrefund action is used to refund a non-winning (not the highest) bid to an auction participant

void bios::bidrefund( name bidder )

The bidder parameter is an auction participant to whom the bid is returned.

The bid is automatically refunded to bidder if the bidder does not become a winner. The bidder should create a transaction with the bidrefund operation to refund the bid. One calling bidrefund is enough to return all of non-winning bids in case the bidder put several bids on different names and neither of these bids (or part of them) were non-winning.


The canceldelay action cancels a deferred transaction.

void canceldelay(
    permission_level canceling_auth,
    eosio::checksum256 trx_id


  • canceling_auth — value containing an account of the transaction creator and its permission (permission name takes the value active).

  • trx_id — a deferred transaction identifier.

The canceling_auth account signature is required to execute a transaction containing the canceldelay operation.


The updateauth action is used to add or change authorization for an account. This action takes the following form:

void updateauth( 
    name  account,
    name  permission,
    name  parent,
    authority auth


  • account — an account name whose authorization changes.

  • permission — a permission name (for example: owner, active, posting, etc.) to be changed.

  • parent — a name of parent permission (for example: owner is the parent permission to active; active is the parent permission to posting. Child permissions cannot exceed parental permissions). In most cases, this parameter is set to `active'.

  • auth — structure of the form authority, the new values of which should match the permission.

The account signature is required to execute a transaction containing the updateauth operation.


The action deleteauth is used to delete authorization of an account. This action takes the following form:

void deleteauth(
    name account,
    name permission


  • account — account name whose authorization is being deleted.

  • permission — permission name that is deleted.

The account signature is required to execute a transaction containing the deleteauth operation.


The linkauth action allows the permission to execute some action in a specific contract.

void linkauth( 
    name account,
    name code,
    name type,
    name requirement


  • account — account name for which permission is changed.

  • code — an account name of the contract in which some action will be executed.

  • type — type of permission. Any action can be performed in the contract if this parameter is empty, otherwise only one operation specified in the parameter can be performed (parameter value matches the name of the action).

  • requirement — name of permission, which is allowed to perform the operation. This parameter cannot be empty.

The parameters account andrequirement specify permission_level. The parameters code andtype specify the contract account and action, respectively.

Notes: Any set of account, code, and type parameters must correspond to only one requirement value. This means that one account cannot have two or more different permissions related to the same contract's account and action.

If the same account,code and type values are passed to the action again, but with a different requirement, its previous value will be replaced by the last passed.

The account signature is required to execute a transaction containing the linkauth operation.


The unlinkauth action removes the name of permission provided by the linkauth action in a specific contract

void unlinkauth(
    name account,
    name code,
    name type


  • account — a name of the account whose permission is removed.

  • code — an account name of the contract in which some action was allowed to execute.

  • type — type of permission..

The account signature is required to execute the transaction containing the unlinkauth operation.

Last updated