
Description Multisig contract commands.


Multisig Propose


Propose action.

Positional Parameters

  • (string) proposal_name — The unique name assigned to the multisig transaction when it is created (required).

  • (string) requested_permissions — The JSON string or filename defining requested permissions (required).

  • (string) trx_permissions — The JSON string or filename defining transaction permissions (required).

  • (string) contract — Contract to which deferred transaction should be delivered (required).

  • (string) action — Action of deferred transaction (required).

  • (string) data —The JSON string or filename defining the action to propose (required).

  • (string) proposer — Account proposing the transaction.

  • (uint) proposal_expiration — Proposal expiration interval (in hours), defaults to 24 h.

  • (string) description — Optional proposal description.


  • -x, --expiration TEXT — Set the time (in seconds) before a transaction expires, defaults to 30 s.

  • -f, --force-unique — Force the transaction to be unique. This will consume extra bandwidth and remove any protections against accidently issuing the same transaction multiple times.

  • -s, --skip-sign — Specify if unlocked wallet keys should be used to sign transaction.

  • -j, --json — Print result as JSON.

  • -d, --dont-broadcast — Do not broadcast transaction to the network (just print to stdout).

  • --return-packed — Used in conjunction with --dont-broadcast to get the packed transaction.

  • -r, --ref-block TEXT — Set the reference block num or block id used for TAPOS (Transaction as Proof-of-Stake).

  • -p, --permission TEXT — An account and permission level to authorize, as in 'account@permission' (defaults to 'proposer@active').

  • --max-cpu-usage-ms UINT — Set an upper limit on the milliseconds of CPU usage budget, for the execution of the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-net-usage UINT — Set an upper limit on the net usage budget (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-ram-usage UINT — Set an upper limit on the ram usage budget (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-storage-usage — Set an upper limit on the storage usage budget, (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --delay-sec UINT — Set the delay_sec seconds, defaults to 0 s.

  • --bandwidth-provider TEXT — Set an account which provide own bandwidth for transaction.

  • --dont-declare-names — Do not add declarenames action for resolved account names.


$ cleos multisig propose [OPTIONS] <proposal_name> <requested_permissions> <trx_permissions> <contract> <action> <data> [<proposer>] [<proposal_expiration>] [<description>]

Multisig Propose Transaction


Propose transaction.

Positional Parameters

  • (string) proposal_name — The unique name assigned to the multisig transaction when it is created (required).

  • (string) requested_permissions — The JSON string or filename defining requested permissions (required).

  • (string) transaction — "The JSON string or filename defining the transaction to push (required).

  • (string) proposer — Account proposing the transaction (author of multisig transaction).

  • (string) description — Optional proposal description.


  • -x, --expiration TEXT — Set the time (in seconds) before a transaction expires, defaults to 30 s.

  • -f, --force-unique — Force the transaction to be unique. This will consume extra bandwidth and remove any protections against accidently issuing the same transaction multiple times.

  • -s, --skip-sign — Specify if unlocked wallet keys should be used to sign transaction.

  • -j, --json — Print result as JSON.

  • -d, --dont-broadcast — Do not broadcast transaction to the network (just print to stdout).

  • --return-packed — Used in conjunction with --dont-broadcast to get the packed transaction.

  • -r, --ref-block TEXT — Set the reference block num or block id used for TAPOS (Transaction as Proof-of-Stake).

  • -p, --permission TEXT — An account and permission level to authorize, as in 'account@permission' (defaults to 'proposer@active').

  • --max-cpu-usage-ms UINT — Set an upper limit on the milliseconds of CPU usage budget, for the execution of the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-net-usage UINT — Set an upper limit on the net usage budget (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-ram-usage UINT — Set an upper limit on the ram usage budget (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-storage-usage — Set an upper limit on the storage usage budget, (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --delay-sec UINT — Set the delay_sec seconds, defaults to 0 s.

  • --bandwidth-provider TEXT — Set an account which provide own bandwidth for transaction.

  • --dont-declare-names — Do not add declarenames action for resolved account names.


$ cleos multisig propose_trx <proposal_name> <requested_permissions> <transaction> [<proposer>] [<description>] [OPTIONS]

Multisig Review


Review transaction.

Positional Parameters

  • (string) proposer — Account proposing the transaction (required).

  • (string) proposal_name — The unique name assigned to the multisig transaction when it is created (required).


  • --show-approvals — Show the status of the approvals requested within the proposal.


$ cleos multisig review [OPTIONS] <proposer> <proposal_name>

Multisig Approve


Approve proposed transaction.

Positional Parameters

  • (string) proposer — Account proposing the transaction (required).

  • (string) proposal_name — The unique name assigned to the multisig transaction when it is created (required).

  • (string) permissions — The JSON string of filename defining approving permissions (required).

  • (string) proposal_hash — Hash of proposed transaction (i.e. transaction ID) to optionally enforce as a condition of the approval.


  • -x, --expiration TEXT — Set the time (in seconds) before a transaction expires, defaults to 30 s.

  • -f, --force-unique — Force the transaction to be unique. This will consume extra bandwidth and remove any protections against accidently issuing the same transaction multiple times.

  • -s, --skip-sign — Specify if unlocked wallet keys should be used to sign transaction.

  • -j, --json — Print result as JSON.

  • -d, --dont-broadcast — Do not broadcast transaction to the network (just print to stdout).

  • --return-packed — Used in conjunction with --dont-broadcast to get the packed transaction.

  • -r, --ref-block TEXT — Set the reference block num or block id used for TAPOS (Transaction as Proof-of-Stake).

  • -p, --permission TEXT — An account and permission level to authorize, as in 'account@permission' (defaults to 'proposer@active').

  • --max-cpu-usage-ms UINT — Set an upper limit on the milliseconds of CPU usage budget, for the execution of the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-net-usage UINT — Set an upper limit on the net usage budget (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-ram-usage UINT — Set an upper limit on the ram usage budget (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-storage-usage — Set an upper limit on the storage usage budget, (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --delay-sec UINT — Set the delay_sec seconds, defaults to 0 s.

  • --bandwidth-provider TEXT — Set an account which provide own bandwidth for transaction.

  • --dont-declare-names — Do not add declarenames action for resolved account names.


$ cleos multisig approve [OPTIONS] <proposer> <proposal_name> <permissions> [<proposal_hash>]

Multisig Unapprove


Unapprove proposed transaction.

Positional Parameters

  • (string) proposer — Account proposing the transaction (required).

  • (string) proposal_name — The unique name assigned to the multisig transaction when it is created (required).

  • (string) permissions — The JSON string of filename defining approving permissions (required).


  • -x, --expiration TEXT — Set the time (in seconds) before a transaction expires, defaults to 30 s.

  • -f, --force-unique — Force the transaction to be unique. This will consume extra bandwidth and remove any protections against accidently issuing the same transaction multiple times.

  • -s, --skip-sign — Specify if unlocked wallet keys should be used to sign transaction.

  • -j, --json — Print result as JSON.

  • -d, --dont-broadcast — Do not broadcast transaction to the network (just print to stdout).

  • --return-packed — Used in conjunction with --dont-broadcast to get the packed transaction.

  • -r, --ref-block TEXT — Set the reference block num or block id used for TAPOS (Transaction as Proof-of-Stake).

  • -p, --permission TEXT — An account and permission level to authorize, as in 'account@permission' (defaults to 'proposer@active').

  • --max-cpu-usage-ms UINT — Set an upper limit on the milliseconds of CPU usage budget, for the execution of the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-net-usage UINT — Set an upper limit on the net usage budget (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-ram-usage UINT — Set an upper limit on the ram usage budget (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-storage-usage — Set an upper limit on the storage usage budget, (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --delay-sec UINT — Set the delay_sec seconds, defaults to 0 s.

  • --bandwidth-provider TEXT — Set an account which provide own bandwidth for transaction.

  • --dont-declare-names — Do not add declarenames action for resolved account names.


$ cleos multisig unapprove [OPTIONS] <proposer> <proposal_name> <permissions>

Multisig Invalidate


Invalidate all multisig approvals of an account. Revoke all permissions previously issued by the account for performing multisig transactions. The action applies to all proposed transactions that are at the voting stage.

Positional Parameters

  • (string) invalidator — Invalidator name whose previously issued permissions to perform multisig transactions must be invalidated (required).


  • -x, --expiration TEXT — Set the time (in seconds) before a transaction expires, defaults to 30 s.

  • -f, --force-unique — Force the transaction to be unique. This will consume extra bandwidth and remove any protections against accidently issuing the same transaction multiple times.

  • -s, --skip-sign — Specify if unlocked wallet keys should be used to sign transaction.

  • -j, --json — Print result as JSON.

  • -d, --dont-broadcast — Do not broadcast transaction to the network (just print to stdout).

  • --return-packed — Used in conjunction with --dont-broadcast to get the packed transaction.

  • -r, --ref-block TEXT — Set the reference block num or block id used for TAPOS (Transaction as Proof-of-Stake).

  • -p, --permission TEXT — An account and permission level to authorize, as in 'account@permission' (defaults to 'invalidator@active').

  • --max-cpu-usage-ms UINT — Set an upper limit on the milliseconds of CPU usage budget, for the execution of the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-net-usage UINT — Set an upper limit on the net usage budget (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-ram-usage UINT — Set an upper limit on the ram usage budget (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-storage-usage — Set an upper limit on the storage usage budget, (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --delay-sec UINT — Set the delay_sec seconds, defaults to 0 s.

  • --bandwidth-provider TEXT — Set an account which provide own bandwidth for transaction.

  • --dont-declare-names — Do not add declarenames action for resolved account names.


$ cleos multisig invalidate [OPTIONS] <invalidator>

Multisig Cancel


Cancel proposed transaction.

Positional Parameters

  • (string) proposer — Account proposing the transaction (required).

  • (string) proposal_name — The unique name assigned to the multisig transaction when it is created (required).

  • (string) canceler — Canceler name that cancels the execution.


  • -x, --expiration TEXT — Set the time (in seconds) before a transaction expires, defaults to 30 s.

  • -f, --force-unique — Force the transaction to be unique. This will consume extra bandwidth and remove any protections against accidently issuing the same transaction multiple times.

  • -s, --skip-sign — Specify if unlocked wallet keys should be used to sign transaction.

  • -j, --json — Print result as JSON.

  • -d, --dont-broadcast — Do not broadcast transaction to the network (just print to stdout).

  • --return-packed — Used in conjunction with --dont-broadcast to get the packed transaction.

  • -r, --ref-block TEXT — Set the reference block num or block id used for TAPOS (Transaction as Proof-of-Stake).

  • -p, --permission TEXT — An account and permission level to authorize, as in 'account@permission' (defaults to 'canceler@active').

  • --max-cpu-usage-ms UINT — Set an upper limit on the milliseconds of CPU usage budget, for the execution of the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-net-usage UINT — Set an upper limit on the net usage budget (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-ram-usage UINT — Set an upper limit on the ram usage budget (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-storage-usage — Set an upper limit on the storage usage budget, (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --delay-sec UINT — Set the delay_sec seconds, defaults to 0 s.

  • --bandwidth-provider TEXT — Set an account which provide own bandwidth for transaction.

  • --dont-declare-names — Do not add declarenames action for resolved account names.


$ cleos multisig cancel [OPTIONS] <proposer> <proposal_name> [<canceler>]

Multisig Exec


Execute proposed transaction.

Positional Parameters

  • (string) proposer — Account proposing the transaction (required).

  • (string) proposal_name — The unique name assigned to the multisig transaction when it is created (required).

  • (string) executer — account paying for execution.


  • -x, --expiration TEXT — Set the time (in seconds) before a transaction expires, defaults to 30 s.

  • -f, --force-unique — Force the transaction to be unique. This will consume extra bandwidth and remove any protections against accidently issuing the same transaction multiple times.

  • -s, --skip-sign — Specify if unlocked wallet keys should be used to sign transaction.

  • -j, --json — Print result as JSON.

  • -d, --dont-broadcast — Do not broadcast transaction to the network (just print to stdout).

  • --return-packed — Used in conjunction with --dont-broadcast to get the packed transaction.

  • -r, --ref-block TEXT — Set the reference block num or block id used for TAPOS (Transaction as Proof-of-Stake).

  • -p, --permission TEXT — An account and permission level to authorize, as in 'account@permission' (defaults to 'executer@active').

  • --max-cpu-usage-ms UINT — Set an upper limit on the milliseconds of CPU usage budget, for the execution of the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-net-usage UINT — Set an upper limit on the net usage budget (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-ram-usage UINT — Set an upper limit on the ram usage budget (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-storage-usage — Set an upper limit on the storage usage budget, (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --delay-sec UINT — Set the delay_sec seconds, defaults to 0 s.

  • --bandwidth-provider TEXT — Set an account which provide own bandwidth for transaction.

  • --dont-declare-names — Do not add declarenames action for resolved account names.


$ cleos multisig exec [OPTIONS] <proposer> <proposal_name> [<executer>]

Multisig Schedule


Schedule delayed proposed transaction.

Positional Parameters

  • (string) proposer — Account proposing the transaction (required).

  • (string) proposal_name — The unique name assigned to the multisig transaction when it is created (required).

  • (string) actor — account paying for scheduling.


  • -x, --expiration TEXT — Set the time (in seconds) before a transaction expires, defaults to 30 s.

  • -f, --force-unique — Force the transaction to be unique. This will consume extra bandwidth and remove any protections against accidently issuing the same transaction multiple times.

  • -s, --skip-sign — Specify if unlocked wallet keys should be used to sign transaction.

  • -j, --json — Print result as JSON.

  • -d, --dont-broadcast — Do not broadcast transaction to the network (just print to stdout ).

  • --return-packed — Used in conjunction with --dont-broadcast to get the packed transaction.

  • -r, --ref-block TEXT — Set the reference block num or block id used for TAPOS (Transaction as Proof-of-Stake).

  • -p, --permission TEXT — An account and permission level to authorize, as in 'account@permission' (defaults to 'actor@active').

  • --max-cpu-usage-ms UINT — Set an upper limit on the milliseconds of CPU usage budget, for the execution of the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-net-usage UINT — Set an upper limit on the net usage budget (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-ram-usage UINT — Set an upper limit on the ram usage budget (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --max-storage-usage — Set an upper limit on the storage usage budget, (in bytes) for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit).

  • --delay-sec UINT — Set the delay_sec seconds, defaults to 0 s.

  • --bandwidth-provider TEXT — Set an account which provide own bandwidth for transaction.

  • --dont-declare-names — Do not add declarenames action for resolved account names.


$ cleos multisig schedule [OPTIONS] <proposer> <proposal_name> [<actor>]

Last updated