
Purpose of smart contract

The smart contract provides users the following features:

  • creating and editing user profiles (metadata).

  • pin-list establishment that allows its owner to receive information about the publications of users that he/she is interested in.

  • the establishment of a so-called «black» list allowing to block communication between the owner of this list and any unwanted users.

Terminology used in the description of smart contract

User profile — user metadata stored in the client application database in the form of a structure characterizing the user. The user profile is created and edited by the user. The smart contract is not responsible for the storing of user metadata, but only controls whether the user has the right to change or delete metadata.

A user’s pin list — a database item containing a list of account names that a given user is interested in. The user’s pin list is created and edited by the user. It can be used in the client application to create subscriptions, including informing the given user (subscriber) about the appearance of a new post whose author’s name is contained in the pin list.

«Black» list — a database item containing a list of account names that this user characterizes as unwanted. The «black» list is created and edited by the user. Using the «black» list allows the user to block comments and votes of accounts whose names are contained in this list. The golos.publication smart contract verifies the absence of the account name in this list when performing createmssg action.

Actions supported by smart contract

The smart contract supports the following actions: pin, unpin, block, unblock, updatemeta and deletemeta.

accountmeta type

The accountmeta type is intented to describe the user profile and comes in the following structure:

struct accountmeta {
  optional<std::string> type;               //  Type

    optional<std::string> app;              // Mother application

    optional<std::string> email;            // User’s e-mail address
    optional<std::string> phone;            // User’s phone number
    optional<std::string> facebook;         // User’s facebook account
    optional<std::string> instagram;        // User’s instagram account
    optional<std::string> telegram;         // User’s telegram account
    optional<std::string> vk;               // User’s vk account
    optional<std::string> whatsapp;         // User’s whatsapp account
    optional<std::string> wechat;           // User’s wechat account
    optional<std::string> website;          // Personal website url

    optional<std::string> first_name;       // User first name
    optional<std::string> last_name;        // User surname
    optional<std::string> name;             // Account name
    optional<std::string> birth_date;       // Date of birth
    optional<std::string> gender;           // Gender
    optional<std::string> location;         // Province of residence
    optional<std::string> city;             // City of residence

    optional<std::string> about;            // About a user
    optional<std::string> occupation;       // Occupation
    optional<std::string> i_can;            // User capability
    optional<std::string> looking_for;      // User purpose 
    optional<std::string> business_category; // Business category

    optional<std::string> background_image; // Background image
    optional<std::string> cover_image;      // Cover image
    optional<std::string> profile_image;    // Profile (avatar) picture 
    optional<std::string> user_image;       // User image
    optional<std::string> ico_address;      // Ico-address

    optional<std::string> target_date;      // Accomplish due date
    optional<std::string> target_plan;      // User target 
    optional<std::string> target_point_a;   // Intermediate target A
    optional<std::string> target_point_b;   // Intermediate target B

The accountmeta type is used as a parameter in the updatemeta action.

pinblock table

The pinblock table is a database item and contains information about the relationship of one user to another. The data from the table is used to create a pin-list and a list of blocked users.

The pinblock table contains the following fields:

  • (name) SERVICE.scope — the account name (the first name taken from a pair), which puts a user name of interest into one of the lists — the pin-list or the list of blocked users;

  • (name) account — the account name that was added to one of the lists — the pin-list or the list of blocked accounts;

  • (bool) pinning — «true» means that the account name has been added to the pin list;

  • (bool) blocking — «true» means that the account name has been added to the list of blocked accounts.

Please note: Both pinning and blocking fields cannot be set to «true». The record is removing from the table if the pinning and blocking fields are «false».


The pin action is used to add an account name of interest to a pin-list. This action can only be performed by the pin-list owner. The pin action has the following form:

void pin(
    name pinner,
    name pinning


  • pinner — account name which is the pin-list owner and adds the name specified in the pinning field to the pin-list.

  • pinning — the account name that is being added to the pin-list.

The rights to run the pin action belong to pinner account.

The pin action is introducing the following restrictions:

  • a user is not allowed to add own name to the pin-list, that is, the pinning field must not contain the pinner field value.

  • it is not allowed to add account name to the pin-list if pin-list already contains this name.

  • it is not allowed to add account name to the pin-list if this name has been blocked by the pinner account, that is, this name is in the list of blocked accounts.


The unpin action is used to remove an account name from a pin-list. The unpin action is as follows:

void unpin(
    name pinner,
    name pinning


  • pinner — the account name that removes a name specified in the pinning field from the pin-list.

  • pinning — the account name that is about to be removed from the pin-list.

The rights to run the pin action belong to pinner account.

The unpin action is introducing the following restrictions:

  • it is not allowed to remove the account name which is the pin-list owner, that is, the pinning field must never be equal to pinner filed.

  • it is not allowed to remove an account name that is not present in the pin-list.


The block action is used to add an account name of interest to «black» list. This action can only be performed by the «black» list owner. The block action has the following form:

void block(
    name blocker,
    name blocking


  • blocker — account name which is the «black» list owner and adds the name specified in the blocking field to the «black» list.

  • blocking — the account name that is being added to the «black» list.

The rights to run the block action belong to blocker account.

The block action is introducing the following restrictions:

  • a user is not allowed to block him/herself, that is, the blocking field must not be equal to blocker field value.

  • it is not allowed to add account name to the black-list if black-list already contains this name.


The unblock action is used to remove an account name from a «black» list. The unblock action has the following form:

void unblock(
    name blocker,
    name blocking


  • blocker — the account name that removes a name specified in the blocking field, from the «black» list.

  • blocking — the account name that is about to be removed from the «black» list.

The rights to run the unblock action belong to blocker account.

The unblock action is introducing the following restrictions:

  • it is not allowed to remove the account name which is the «black» list owner, that is, the blocking field must never be equal to blocker field;

  • it is not allowed to remove an account name that is not present in the «black» list.


The updatemeta action is used to fill, update, or delete account profile field values. The updatemeta action has the following form:

void updatemeta(
    name account,
    accountmeta meta


  • account — name of the account whose profile is being edited.

  • meta — a value of type of the accountmeta structure.

The rights to run the updatemeta action belong to the account that is specified in the account field. The updatemeta action does not interact with the database. It only checks the rights of the user who changes her/his profile. Updating user metadata within the database should be implemented in the client application.


The deletemeta action is used for deleting an account profile. The delelemeta action has the following form:

void deletemeta(name account);

The parameter account is a name of the account whose profile is being deleted.

The rights to run deletemeta action belong to the account that is deleting her/his profille. The deletemeta action does not interact with the database. It only checks the rights of the user who is about to delete her/his profile. Removal of user metadata from the database should be implemented in the client application.

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