4 Start keosd and nodeos

This section provides guidance on how to start keosd and nodeosd services.

Step 1: Start nodeosd

Start a node

To start a node, it is necessary to start two services — nodeosd and mongo. To simplify the startup process, use the docker-compose utility. Enter the directory where docker-compose.yml is located, and execute the services load command:

$ sudo docker-compose up -d

The option -d is required to run container in background.

Check a launch of containers

To check if containers have been started successfully, run the following command:

$ sudo docker ps

To see text of log files, you can use the following commands:

$ sudo docker logs --tail 100 -f nodeosd
$ sudo docker logs --tail 100 -f mongo

Options: --tail — sets a number of text lines; -f — indicates that it is necessary to monitor the update log file.

Check that the text of log files does not contain error messages. There should also be messages about created containers with the names nodeosd and mongo. The text should have the following form:

info  2019-03-07T06:57:09.024 thread-0  producer_plugin.cpp:1491      produce_block        ] Produced block 00000c992d36ab56... #3225 @ 2019-03-07T06:57:09.000 signed by producera [trxs: 0, lib: 2564, confirmed: 0]

It should also have information about blocks received over the network:

info  2019-03-07T06:57:00.096 thread-0  producer_plugin.cpp:344       on_incoming_block    ] Received block 6d6ac52bfe754174... #3222 @ 2019-03-07T06:57:00.000 signed by cyber [trxs: 0, lib: 2562, conf: 0, latency: 96 ms]

Step 2: Start keosd

Start the keosd service

Connecting a node to blockchain is done using the cleos utility. This utility requires a running keosd service to store private keys. The keosd service can be started on user's computer via Docker.

Start the keosd service and connect it to the Docker network where nodeosd is running:

$ sudo docker run -ti -d --name keosd --net cyberway-net cyberway/cyberway:stable /opt/cyberway/bin/keosd

Start the cleos service

Assign alias to run cleos in the container keosd:

$ alias cleos='sudo docker exec -ti keosd cleos --url http://nodeosd:8888'

Check connection to blockchain

Check if your node has been connected to blockchain:

$ cleos get info

No errors should be while the services are running.

Create storage for private key

$ cleos wallet create --file wallet.pass

The keosd service automatically locks storage if it is not in use. Storage can be unlocked using the command:

$ cleos wallet unlock --password 'sudo docker exec -ti keosd cat wallet.pass'

Import the private key

To import your private key, you can use:

$ cleos wallet import --private-key <private-key>


In case of errors while container is running, it is recommended to stop the services, remove Docker volume and create it again. To stop the services, you can use:

$ sudo docker-compose down

To remove Docker volume, you can use the following command:

$ sudo docker volume rm cyberway-mongodb-data cyberway-nodeos-data

Last updated